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Submission of extended abstracts for the conference

Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts (2 pages) via the submission system (see below). Accepted abstracts are scheduled at the workshop.

Extended deadline: January 13, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: February 24, 2025

Submission templates

The use of the following templates is required for the post-conference proceesings and can also be used for the extended abstracts:

Full Paper Submission for Post-Conference Proceedings

All accepted abstracts are scheduled for presentation at the workshop. Authors of accepted abstracts are invited to submit full papers for the post-proceedings. Accepted post-proceedings will be published by Springer’s CCIS series. The deadline will be afterwards in July 2025.

Science meets Arts competition

There will be a “Science meets Art” competition for the first time at SimScience workshop for all registered participants. Visualization methods are an important tool in science for the analysis and presentation of scientific work. Images can often convey information in a way that tables of data or equations cannot. Occasionally, scientific images go beyond their role as a medium for conveying information and contain aesthetic qualities that make them objects of beauty and art. Therefore, the best scientific illustration will be awarded with a book price and a certificate during the workshop. (Illustrations can be uploaded via the abstract submission system by May 7, 2025.)

Submission system

Extended abstracts for the workshop and also "Science meets Arts" images can be submitted via the EDAS system:


Time line

Submission system for extended abstracts opened

Deadline for submission of extended abstracts

(but has been extended to January 13, 2025)

Extended deadline for submission of extended abstracts

Notification of Acceptance

End of early bird registration rate

Start of SimScience 2025 workshop

Submission of full paper for the Post-Conference Proceedings (optional)

Post-Conference Proceedings will be published

Post-Proceedings of the previous SimScience workshops